The Mystery of God's Throne (intro)
None of us have ever seen God and none of us have ascended into heaven (Jn.2,) yet there are descriptions of it written down by the prophets; rare glimpses into heaven itself. Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and others saw these glimpses. These often came in the form of prophetic visions, dreams, and spiritual revelations. Through these vehicles, what is usually unseen becomes visible and described to us. They give us a lens to look into the celestial unknown.
This realm is vastly different from what we are familiar with. It is a place of radiant glory and splendor. There, it is said, all the heavenly host are focused on the One seated upon a throne, surrounded with cherubim, seraphim and multitudes of angels. How much do we know of this place and how much can be known?
We are exhorted in Scripture to "set our hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God ... set your minds on things above" (Col.3.)
How are we to understand these glimpses individually and then collectively? How can clear truths be brought forth from some of the most complex passages in the scriptures? What is the Lord God trying to tell us of himself? What is the signifigance for his Church?
To get to the answers involves a step on the part of the reader to think beyond the natural world. It requires us leaving stereotyped popular views of the heavenly realm and looking at it afresh, from a prophetic view; from the descriptions inspired by the Holy Spirit in Scripture.
This is certainly an interesting and intriguing subject, but it's more than an intellectual one. The images and descriptions of the visible throne are very relevant, for we will all one day appear before the Lord's throne and this is where our eternal future ultimately is.
For the kingdom,
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