The Cherubim at the Throne (study notes)
Since the cherubim surround God's throne , it is important to first understand the nature and purpose of the cherubim .
There is some debate over whether cherubim (plural form of the Hebrew. “cherub”) are actually angels or another class of heavenly beings. However, they are like angels ( angelic.) Yet, the word angel (in the Hebrew or Greek ) never appears in direct connection with them. The strict definition of angels is "heavenly messengers of God and ministers to man" (HEB.1.14.) Historically they have also been viewed as a class of angels.
The word cherub can bring to mind art works with cute babies flying around in the clouds and so forth. But scripture portrays a different picture. These creations are guardian beings whose purpose is to threaten those who would violate Gods prohibitions (Gen. 3.) They were historically thought of as the bearers and guards of God's throne as well as his personal attendants. The first writer to speak of them was Moses (Gen.) Moses is said to have seen such beings near the throne of God ( Josephus 3.6.5.)
At the Fall of man
The first time we see cherubim in the bible is after the fall of man ( GEN. 3. ) With a flaming * whirling sword turning every way or round and round (not coincidentally like a wheel), guarding the entrance to the tree of life, man is banished from God's presence. (expand ) Here we notice the word or description of " whirling, " and the sword, mentioned together again like in Ezekiel. Though the sword is mentioned, God in his grace didn't give them over to it .
Here the cherubim are assisting in God's judgments . They stand as guardians of God's decree and reminders that man is excluded from receiving eternal life. Instead of living in a fruitful garden, Adam, fallen man, is destined to work in the ground that brings forth thorns and thistles . Again like in Ezekiel we see thorns. Also note earlier the Israelite's rebellion is compared to "briers and thorns" (Ez.2.6 .) In Chap 5 we shall see this has added significance .
At the ARK and TEMPLE
Originally at the Tent of Meeting and then also at the Temple, with the Ark of the Covenant at the center, the Glory of the Lord came and there was continuous singing with musical instruments and worship. There was a celebration at the dedications of these dwellings of God's presence. The glory cloud was at the Ark between the cherubim. This is similar to the vision in Ezekiel 1. These places served as models of what is going on in the heavenly realm and the vision shows the reality. 5 They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: "See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain." Hebrews 8:5 NIV The Ark was a model relating to God's throne. He is Lord over all the host of heaven. In heaven He sits enthroned upon the cherubim.
2Sam .62 David arose, and went with all the people who were with him, from Baale Judah, to bring up from there the ark of God, which is called by the Name, even the name of Yahweh of Armies (LORD of hosts) who sits above the cherubim.
A SEPARATION from the Holy
Though Adam was banished from the garden and the intimate presence of God, later God still provided a means by which man could access His presence, although in a limited way. God again by His grace brings His presence to dwell amongst men in the Ark of the Covenant at the Tent and the Temple. Yet, the Ark was covered and protected by the Cherubim ! They spanned from one end of the holiest place to the other. He placed curtains of separation between himself and man. They were on the barriers of separation (curtains and doors.) Images of these creatures where sewn on the veils and curtains of the tabernacle and Solomon's temple. He had a communication with his people with conditions placed upon them. The cherubim are at the place of the shed blood sacrifice once a year.
Sinful man could not approach God's holy presence. The Lord said "There I will meet with you from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim that are upon the ark of the testimony, I will speak with you ..." (Ex-25-22.) The Lord chose the place to speak with them- between the cherubim. In ancient Israel the representations of cherubim were only seen once a year as the high priest went into the most holy place. In Ezekiel's vision, he beheld living cherubim underneath the throne of glory. God designates a place of meeting (at the tent ) and none other that would be defined between the two cherubim. Here is another clue in the mystery. God himself defines the importance of the cherubim by designating them to surround this most holy place.
Cherubim of Glory (BOOK OF HEBREWS )
In the book of Hebrews we read of the "cherubim of Glory " at the tabernacle. They proclaim the glory of God and display it. They were part of the "copy of the heavenly things" (Heb.9.23.) They not only carry the Glory of God, but reflect it . " 9:3 And after the second curtain there was a tent called the holy of holies. 9:4 It contained the golden altar of incense and the ark of the covenant covered entirely with gold. In this ark5 were the golden urn containing the manna, Aaron’s rod that budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant. 9:5 And above the ark6 were the cherubim7 of glory overshadowing the mercy seat. Now is not the time to speak of these things in detail. "(NET)
Again we read of the cherubim. Their wings over the Ark touched one another and overshadowed or guarded over the sacred (Heb. 9.3.) We also read that they mirror the heavenly worship and sanctuary (9.1.)
A question that might come to mind is this. Why did God reveal Himself between the cherubim at the the mercy seat where God's people had their sins covered? Just as they continually gazed at the blood in the earthly model , so they continually gaze upon the true reality, even the Lamb. Again (like in Ez.1) we see a foreshadowing of Christ. He accomplished the work as the High Priest in the true sanctuary, to enter the Most holy place with blood that was offered on our behalf to do away with sin (v-26.) The way back to God's presence was opened up and the veil of separation taken away. Later we shall examine this in greater detail.
Chariot of the cherubim - the model
As noted earlier, the ancient Hebrews thought of the cherubim as forming a "chariot throne." They were viewed as forming the "vehicle "on which God rode in the heavens (Psm 18.10. ) The two huge models of the cherubim in the temple were called "the chariot of the cherubim" and thought by some to have had wheels.
And for the altar of incense refined gold by weight; and gold for the pattern of the chariot [Hebrew, merkabah] of the cherubim, that spread out their wings, and covered the ark of the covenant of the LORD. KJV All this, said David, the LORD made me understand in writing by his hand upon me, even all the works of this pattern. KJV 1 Chron. 28: 18
The Ark of the covenant (also a symbol for God's throne) was to be carried by men. God's people (the priests ) were to be "bearers of the place" or the ark . The cherubim (in Ezekiel's vision) carried the true throne that came down from heaven .
"WINGS of the wind "
God metaphorically was portrayed as "riding " on the cherubim (like a chariot .) Also again like in Ez. we have another connection with the wind. In the Psalms it states, "He [Yahweh] rode upon a cherub and flew upon the wings of the wind" (Psalm 18:10.) Here they are described also as a personification of the wind itself.
In Zech. 4 we read of heavenly chariots and they are called "the 4 winds of heaven" and they conveyed God's Spirit. Here we have the Spirit/wind connection again.) It should also be noted that the word cherubim is derived from a root word meaning cart or chariot. These chariots sometimes are called "the four spirits" in other translations .(ref)
In Psalm 104 it states " he makes his angels (messengers ) winds, his servants a fire of flame."
Regarding these "chariots of God," it should also be noted that Elijah was taken up in a chariot of fire, taken up in a whirlwind "( 2 Ki-2;11) 22. The one is equated with the other. In Isaiah 66 we read of God's chariots described " as like a whirlwind. " This whole concept shall be examined in much more detail in chapters 4 and 5.
" ENTHRONED UPON the Cherubim"
We will now look at some passages also reflecting the concept of God enthroned upon the cherubim. In a similar way we see the concept in Psalm 80 appealing to Gods power and might to save them. Psalm 80 " 1Hear us, Shepherd of Israel , you who lead Joseph like a flock , you who sit above the cherubim, shine forth. 2Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, stir up your might! Come to save us! (WEB)
In Isaiah 37 we read 15Hezekiah prayed to Yahweh, saying, 16“Yahweh of Armies, the God of Israel, who is enthroned among the cherubim, you are the God, even you alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth. " (WEB)
Isaiah recounts God's strength to deliver, "He alone is God " to save them from their enemies (king of Assyria) that defied God on this earth.
Worship at the Throne
Another pattern we see is that passages speaking of the cherubim are in conjunction with passages of worship and adoration.
1Yahweh reigns! Let the peoples tremble. He sits enthroned among the cherubim. Let the earth be moved.
2Yahweh is great in Zion. He is high above all the peoples. 3Let them praise your great and awesome name. He is Holy!
4The King’s strength also loves justice. You do establish equity. You execute justice and righteousness in Jacob.
5Exalt Yahweh our God. Worship at his footstool. He is Holy!
6Moses and Aaron were among his priests, Samuel among those who call on his name; they called on Yahweh, and he answered them.
7He spoke to them in the pillar of cloud. They kept his testimonies, the statute that he gave them.
8You answered them, Yahweh our God. You are a God who forgave them, although you took vengeance for their doings.
9Exalt Yahweh, our God. Worship at his holy hill, for Yahweh, our God, is holy! (Psalm 99 WEB)
We also see the "pillar of cloud mentioned (speaking to them out of something like a tornadic whirlwind.) Inspired by the Spirit of God they lead the reader in attitude of glorifying the Lord . Also we see a recounting of God's strength and deliverance. He is a God of might. We also see it repeats 3 times he is holy.
This is similar to the chant of the living creatures in the book of the Revelation ," Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty ..." (Rev 4). We shall examine these in a future chapter. Here again we see the connection with the cherubim and holiness. The passage reminds us of the fear of God and his grace, but also vengeance (v-8.)
At this point it would be good to define and understand the word holiness. Holiness essentially means “set apart from that which is commonplace, special, unique.” (NET notes) Separated from the profane. It means purity. It also means He is unlike us in His divine nature (NBD.) "There is none holy like the lord "(1sam2.2) , nothing can compare with him. The reality of who He is, is beyond our words and descriptions of Him.
The chant of the cherubim beneath the throne is similar to that of the seraphim above the throne as described in in Isaiah 6
The Ox, Lion, Eagle, Man
In Ezekiel and the Revelation it states the cherubim have the characteristic of (eyes) and have 4 faces.
It has been said that the 4 faces and characteristics of these living creatures are a combination of heavenly and earthly things as well. Therefore, the prohibition about making a graven image of something in heaven doesn't apply. God instructed Moses and David to engrave and make the cherubim.
If we go to the descriptions in the rest of the Bible concerning these 4 earthly creatures, their attributes very well may display God's attributes, and or God ruling over all creation . For instance ; the ox- strength, the eagle- swiftness, lion- rulership, and man dominion over the rest of them (references.) Throughout history various commentators have thought they symbolize The Lord's ruling over The Creation ( Psm 149.) Those 4 are over all the animals in the respective kingdoms (birds, wild animals, domesticated animals, man over all of them.) Also this could apply to God's plan to "unite things in heaven with those on earth after all things are brought in subjection ."
Summary .....
As we have seen, these strange angelic creatures surround the throne. They are both modeled at the tent and in the temple, and also are literally seen by Ezekiel. The representations or models of them helps us to understand their appearance.
Also, we start to see their spiritual meaning as they relate symbolically to the winds and ultimately to God's Spirit.
They constantly declare his transcendency, his holiness, and glory. They guard his holiness and act as a moving chariot and an entourage.
God uses the imagery of the cherubim to convey the heavenly realities in ways we can begin to understand . We are by nature blind to the things of the spirit . They convey truths that are more subtle . At this point hopefully the reader can start to see patterns emerging from which we will build our understanding. As was stated earlier, the purpose of all these details related to what is going on in that heavenly realm ( living creatures, seraphim, angels, etc. ) is to understand God in deeper way. For those who seek to understand these clues and take the time to search them out, it can lead to a " harvest" of far greater worship and thanksgiving.
The cherubim are at the point of separation of a holy God upon his throne in heaven and man in his sins on earth. God brought his "throne " down to this earth in a "limited " way as a foreshadowing of what was and is to come . He showed himself and this mysterious place where he dwells to the children of Israel .
The cherubim symbolically gazed continually at the manifestation of God's presence (at the Ark.) His judgments of those who violated or trespassed God's boundary of separation was punishable by death ( Uzzah , Nadab etc, (ref ) . ) Almost all were excluded from what must have been this wonderful and awesome sight . But even the allowance of God that his people could have some "access" (via the high priest ) was benevolent and gracious on His part considering the sin and banishment of Adam and all the sin of subsequent generations .) God was under no obligation to manifest Himself in a fuller way after the fall. It was the Lord who gave instructions to build a place that He might dwell among them . Yet He manifested himself (at Sinai and afterwards) as the awesome Lord upon the throne , as one to be feared, but also loved. God was severe, but His judgement was wholly righteous ,
In our time, we who are accustomed to grace can sometimes lose site of its context and fullness . It's very helpful when we learn of the detailed background and see an overview of the plan of God unfolding. Now we are welcome into the inner sanctuary- to God's presence without fear of condemnation because of Jesus.
When we see God's great acts of judgment and severity in the past it makes us all the more appreciative and makes the reality of "a mercy seat" and the Lamb ever more precious. Then one's view of the present 'grace' becomes not simply grace, but "amazing grace upon grace." Oh the depth and the riches of God's mercy ! To him be the Glory.
Tom Windsor